Sunday, July 18, 2010

The Miracle

Note the brotherly love in the background.

We have experienced a miracle in this family. Asher (who has hated being in standing water with a passion his entire mortal existence) got into a wading pool. And he almost even sat in it. To top it off, he seemed to be having fun. I'm glad to have brought a camera to document this momentous occasion.


Helena said...

Yay! Andy's been enjoying the wading pool a lot. He loves water as long as it's warm.

april said...

We had the same problem with Bron only it was with the swings or any other playground equipment that moved. I was so proud of her last month when she finally would sit in the swing and even push herself.

I am so glad you finally gave in and started a blog. I'm much happier to stalk you her rather than facebook.